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  • 姓名:胡俊杰
  • 性别:男
  • 职务:
  • 职称:教授
  • 学历:博士研究生
  • 导师类型:博导兼硕导
  • 办公电话:
  • 邮箱:hujj@gsau.edu.cn
2007.09 - 2012.06, 甘肃农业大学,临床兽医学毕业,博士学位
2001.09 - 2004.06, 甘肃农业大学,临床兽医学毕业,硕士学位
1997.09 - 2001.06, 甘肃农业大学,畜牧兽医学毕业,学士学位
[1]Zeng, J., Ge, W., Duan, H., Lv, J., Ding, Z., Wang, W., Zhang, Y., Zhao, X., & Hu, J. (2022). Effect of
dihydrotestosterone on melatonin secretion and the expression of melatonin receptors and apoptosis-related factors in sheep epididymides. Reproduction in domestic animals, 57(10), 1244–1254.(中科院3区,IF=1.858)
[2]Wang, W., Lv, J., Duan, H., Ding, Z., Zeng, J., Lv, C., Hu, J., Zhang, Y., & Zhao, X. (2022). Regulatory role of
melatonin on epidermal growth factor receptor, Type I collagen α1 chain, and caveolin 1 in granulosa cells of sheep antral follicles. Animal science journal, 93(1), e13760. (中科院3区,IF=1.974)
[3]Lv, J., Ge, W., Ding, Z., Zeng, J., Wang, W., Duan, H., Zhang, Y., Zhao, X., & Hu, J. (2022). Regulatory role of
dihydrotestosterone on BMP-6 receptors in granular cells of sheep antral follicles. Gene, 810, 146066.(中科院3区,IF=3.913)
[4]Lv, J., Ge, W., Ding, Z., Zeng, J., Wang, W., Duan, H., Hu, J., Zhang, Y., & Zhao, X. (2022). Expression of
dihydrotestosterone synthases and androgen receptor in sheep oviduct ampulla and its regulation by estradiol and progesterone. Reproductive biology, 22(1), 100573. (中科院4区,IF=2.089)
[5]Duan, H., Hu, J., Xiao, L., Lv, J., Zhang, Y., & Zhao, X. (2022). β-Estradiol inhibits melatonin synthesis and
melatonin receptor expression in sheep granulosa cells. Gene, 814, 146128. (中科院3区,IF=3.913)
[6]Duan, H., Yang, S., Zeng, J., Lv, J., Zhang, L., Du, X., Hu, J., Zhang, Y., & Zhao, X. (2022). The effect of
melatonin on sheep endometrial epithelial cell apoptosis through the receptor and non-receptor pathways. General and comparative endocrinology, 114182. Advance online publication.(中科院3区,IF=3.255)
[7]Ding, Z., Duan, H., Ge, W., Lv, J., Zeng, J., Wang, W., Niu, T., Hu, J., Zhang, Y., & Zhao, X. (2022).
Regulation of progesterone during follicular development by FSH and LH in sheep. Animal reproduction, 19(2), e20220027.(中科院4区,IF=1.810)
[8]Hu, J., Ge, W., Xiao, L., Zeng, J., Lv, J., Ding, Z., Wang, W., Duan, H., & Li, F. (2021). Assessment of
progesterone synthesis and its regulation role on dihydrotestosterone secretion in sheep epididymis. Gene, 790, 145699.(中科院3区,IF=3.913)
[9]Hu, J. J., Xiao, L. F., Song, L. L., Ge, W. B., Duan, H. W., & Jiang, Y. (2020). The expression of melatonin
receptors MT1 and MT2 is regulated by E2 in sheep oviduct. General and comparative endocrinology, 286, 113135.(中科院3区,IF=3.255)
[10]Ge, W., Duan, H., Xiao, L., Jiang, Y., Ding, Z., Hu, J., Zhang, Y., & Zhao, X. (2020). 17β-estradiol protects
sheep oviduct epithelial cells against lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation in vitro. Molecular immunology, 127, 21–30. (中科院3区,IF=4.174)
[11]Ge, W., Xiao, L., Duan, H., Jiang, Y., Lv, J., Ding, Z., Hu, J., Zhao, X., & Zhang, Y. (2020). Androgen
receptor, aromatase, oestrogen receptor α/β and G protein-coupled receptor 30 expression in the testes and epididymides of adult sheep. Reproduction in domestic animals, 55(4), 460–468.(中科院3区,IF=1.858)
[12]Duan, H., Xiao, L., Ge, W., Yang, S., Jiang, Y., Lv, J., Hu, J., Zhang, Y., Zhao, X., & Hua, Y. (2021).
Follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone regulate the synthesis mechanism of dihydrotestosterone in sheep granulosa cells. Reproduction in domestic animals, 56(2), 292–300.(中科院3区,IF=1.858)
[13]Duan, H., Ge, W., Yang, S., Lv, J., Ding, Z., Hu, J., Zhang, Y., Zhao, X., Hua, Y., & Xiao, L. (2021).
Dihydrotestosterone regulates oestrogen secretion, oestrogen receptor expression, and apoptosis in granulosa cells during antral follicle development. The Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology, 207, 105819. (中科院2区,IF=5.011)
[15]罗文泽; 郭宪; 胡俊杰*; 葛闻博; 段宏伟; CYP19基因在牦牛睾丸及附睾组织中的表达定位, 甘肃农业大学学报, 2021, 56(03):
9-14+20. (期刊论文)
[16]张军梅; 李瑞; 陈晓倩; 何学东; 王正荣; 郑亚东; 胡俊杰*; 郭小腊*;
多房棘球绦虫主要卵抗原重组蛋白的制备及其在免疫诊断中的初步应用, 中国兽医科学, 2021, 51(05): 588-593. (期刊论文)
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[1]胡俊杰; 马小军; 华永丽; 杜向宏; 一种简易的动物深部灌肠器,2019-07-10, 中国专利, ZL202020857621.2
[2]华永丽; 胡俊杰; 一种中药材加工挑选装置, 2019-06-10, 中国专利, ZL201920947351.1.
[3]华永丽; 胡俊杰; 一种中兽医用保定架, 2019-01-29, 中国专利, ZL201920190290.9.
[4]胡俊杰; 马小军; 华永丽; 葛闻博; 段宏伟; 丁自强; 吕建树; 一种便携式动物口腔及咽喉内窥镜, 2019-10-25, 中国专利,
[5]胡俊杰; 马小军; 徐庚全; 曲亚玲; 魏彦明; 华永丽; 一种用于牛胃导管的开口器, 2016-08-30, 中国, CN201620968607.3.
[6]胡俊杰; 魏彦明; 马小军; 肖龙菲; 华永丽; 徐庚全; 一种手动动物灌药和洗胃器, 2016-12-14, 中国专利, CN201610674609.6.